Chapter I
Section 2. Purpose of the UNLV Bylaws
2.1 Contents of UNLV Bylaws.The UNLV Bylaws shall contain the current educational organization and faculty organization of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; procedures for implementing statements of policy found in the Nevada System of Higher Education Code; statements of policy that relate to the authority and responsibility delegated to the faculty by the Board of Regents; and procedures for implementing these statements of policy. (See Section 1.3.4 of the Nevada System of Higher Education Code.)
2.2 Interpretation of Bylaws.
2.2.A Questions of interpretation of these Bylaws shall be directed to the Faculty Senate Chairperson, who must render an interpretation with the advice and consent of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Prior to rendering its advice and consent, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee must consult with the University Bylaws Committee.
2.2.B The Faculty Senate Chairperson must publish the interpretation within 30 days.
2.2.C Any UNLV faculty member, including academic, administrative and executive, may submit a request for interpretation of these bylaws. (6/15)
2.3 Amendment of UNLV Bylaws.
An amendment to the UNLV Bylaws may be proposed by: 1) 20% of the total faculty of UNLV; or 2) the Faculty Senate voting majority approval on any suggestion; or 3) any NSHE Regent; or 4) the Chancellor; or 5) the UNLV president. Before going to the faculty for referendum, all proposals will be referred to the Faculty Senate for consideration and recommendation.
2.3.1 Faculty Approval.
Faculty acceptance of the proposed amendment requires the approval of two-thirds of the total faculty voting.
2.3.2 Administrative Approval.
After the proposed amendment is accepted or rejected by the faculty, the president must state his or her opinion on the amendment in writing within twenty calendar days. If the proposed amendment is recommended for approval by the president and approved by the Chancellor, the president shall immediately publish and distribute the change to make it effective. If the president recommends rejection of an amendment supported by the faculty, or if the president recommends approval of an amendment rejected by the faculty, the president shall notify the faculty of his or her decision and the reasons for his or her decision, and so note those reasons when he or she forwards the amendment to the Chancellor. In cases where the president’s decision is at variance with the faculty recommendation, the faculty retains the right to present its case directly to the Chancellor. (5/12)
2.3.3 Changes in Organization of UNLV.
Formal changes in Chapter I, Section 3 are not considered amendments to this document. Such changes become effective by ratification by the Board of Regents in accordance with established procedures. (B/R 10/04)