
Chapter I
Section 3. Organization of UNLV.

(Please note: the Administrative Faculty Unit which was previously listed as section 3.1.12 consists of all the administrative faculty working in all of the organizational units listed in this section.)
3.1 Office of the President 3.2 Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost 3.3 Academic Units. The current academic units of UNLV are: 3.4 Administrative Units. The current-administrative units are: 3.5 Administrative Faculty Unit.

Administrative faculty shall be organized into an Administrative Faculty Unit according to its own bylaws. Amendment to the Administrative Faculty Bylaws may be submitted by any administrative faculty member to the Chair of the Faculty Senate Administrative Faculty Committee. Submitted amendments should include a full explanation of the amendment, a pro and con statement, and eight signatures of support from administrative faculty. After review by the Faculty Senate Administrative Faculty Committee, the full, precise text will be distributed to all administrative faculty members. A ballot vote on the proposed amendment will be cast within three months of the submission of the proposed change. A two-thirds majority of the votes cast by the administrative faculty unit is required to approve the amendment. When the amendment is approved by the administrative faculty, it will be sent to the President of the University for approval. Upon presidential approval, it will be incorporated into the Administrative Faculty Committee Bylaws and become effective immediately.

(B/R 3/03)