Chapter II
Section 6. Instruction - Review and Approval of all Curricular Programs of Study
- 6.1 Curricular Approval by Department or Colleges.
- All curricular programs of study to be offered by each department or college must be approved by the department or college as specified in the departmental or college bylaws.
- 6.2 Interdisciplinary Curriculum Approval.
- Curricular programs of study that are interdisciplinary in nature must be approved by the curriculum committees of the departments and colleges concerned supplying the staff and facilities.
- 6.3 Procedures for Curriculum Changes.
- New curricular programs of study or changes within a program of study must be approved as follows:
- 6.3.1 Department Faculty Approval. The department faculty will approve any new program.
- 6.3.2 Department Chairs Submit Curriculum Changes. Each department chair will submit any departmentally approved description of the program of study, the requirements, electives, name of person responsible for coordination, and justification of the program to the College Curriculum Committee in accordance
with college bylaws. (B/R 10/98)
- 6.3.3 College Curriculum Committee Recommendations. The College Curriculum Committee will deal with recommendations in accordance with the appropriate bylaws.
- 6.3.4 Forwarding of Curriculum Change Recommendations. Accepted proposed programs of study from the various departments or colleges will be forwarded by the college to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee by the appropriate college representative.
- 6.3.5 Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee Recommendations. The Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee may recommend the approval or rejection of the proposed program of study.
- 6.3.6 Resolution of Objections to Proposed Curriculum Changes. The College and Faculty Senate Curriculum Committees may resolve conflicts by hearing statements from the department and college proposing the program of study and any departments objecting to the program of study.
- 6.3.7 Review by Faculty Senate Priority and New Program Committee. The Faculty Senate Priority and New Program Committee shall periodically review all academic programs and shall establish a priority list for all proposed academic programs. With the approval of the Faculty Senate it shall publish criteria for implementation of proposed academic programs. (B/R 10/98)
- 6.3.8 Presidential Approval of Curriculum Changes. If approved by the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee and the Faculty Senate Priority and New Program Committee, the recommendation for the proposed program of study is submitted to the Executive Vice President and Provost and then to the president. The program will be implemented upon acceptance by the president and the Board of Regents in accordance with the approved date and procedure. (B/R 3/03)